Activating Chakras Course

Course for Growth

Activating Chakras is included in Total Serenity Membership.

All Levels Welcome
Awaken the Positive Energy Within

Activating Chakras is a comprehensive course guiding you to understand, balance, and activate your chakra flow.

Chakras are energy centers within the body that, when activated and aligned, can enhance your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

This course will provide you with the knowledge, tools, and techniques to awaken and harmonize your chakras, promoting a balanced and vibrant life.

Course includes:
8 x 60 min. live classes

A quiet place where you won't be interrupted, and a comfy chair.

Course Benefits

  • Gain a deeper understanding of the chakra system and its impact on your well-being

  • Cultivate self-awareness, mindfulness, and personal growth

  • Learn effective techniques to activate, balance, and harmonize each chakra

  • Connect with an in-person certified meditation teacher

  • Audio recordings saved for missed classes

  • 70 days access for audios from date of purchase

Who this course is for:

  • Staying connected with yourself as spirit first

  • When you know something is keeping you stuck and you are ready for change

  • Taking your meditation practice spiritually deeper

  • Connecting with others on a similar path

Classes in this course

Introduction to Activating Chakras
Arriving Meditation - 12 min.
Connecting with your Chakras
Root Chakra - Trust
Sacral Chakra
Solar Plexus Chakra
Heart Chakra - Compassion
Throat Chakra - Creative Expression
Third Eye Chakra - Intuition
Crown Chakra
BONUS - Chakra Healing and Maintenance
Before you go


90 days access from date of purchase

Course Instructor(s)

Founding Owner Regina Kaiser

Regina Kaiser is a certified meditation instructor, speaker, integrated healer and intuitive, certified aromatherapist and owner of Veracis Meditation. She developed Veracis® Meditation Program, a course of studies in conscious living. "I started my spiritual journey in the late 1990's and discovered meditation was the link to nurturing spirit first. I am passionate about teaching others to be empowered in their life's purpose. My email is there for you to connect with me anytime!"

Certified Meditation Teacher Liesl Jurock

Liesl is a career educator, a writer and a Certified Veracis® Meditation Teacher. She was drawn to yoga and meditation alongside becoming a mother, to stay centred and calm amidst the busy-ness of life. She is honoured to teach and learn with the Veracis community.