Exploring Chakras
Level 4 Meditation

April 3 - May 15, 2024
Wednesdays 7:00 - 8:30 pm

Instructor: Regina

This is level 4 in our course of studies in conscious living. Classes build on lessons from previous levels, bringing awareness to the function and symbolism of the seven primary chakras at an advanced level.

Prerequisite: Cultivating Compassion

This course includes:
- 7 x 90 min. online live classes with guided meditations and student interaction.

Hero Image

It's time to connect with your chakras as Spirit First

This course is for:

  • When you want to retake this course as a refresher

  • When you want to reconnect with your tribe

  • When you seek a deeper spiritual connection

What you learn:
  • Advanced symbolism and function of the seven primary chakras
  • To identify and understand the effects of excessive or deficient chakra flow
  • Ways to consciously clear congestion and holding patterns so you can move forward
  • Connect with your intuitive, empathic abilities
  • Develop trust in how your chakras communicate through you as spirit first

What you need

  • Prerequisite: Compassion Level 3 Meditation

  • Willingness to show up and grow spiritually

  • Comfortable chair

  • 90 minutes, uninterrupted, for each chapter

  • Optional: A journal to record your experiences and assignments

"What you seek is seeking you" Rumi

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"What you seek is seeking you" Rumi

Yes! Sign me Up

Here's a peek at your course outline

Using this course and guidelines
About Chakras
Opening Meditation - AUDIO - 29 min.
AUDIO - Root Chakra Apr 3, 2024
Pre-class notes: The Root Chakra
Notes: Understanding Deficient and Excessive Chakras
Notes: Balancing the Root Chakra
Home Focus - Reclaiming the Root Chakra
Downloadable Notes
Pre-class notes: Sacral Chakra
Audio - Sacral Chakra Opening Meditation/Lesson Apr. 10, 2024
Audio - Debrief - Group Discussion Apr. 10, 2024
Notes: Balancing the Sacral Chakra
Home Focus
Downloadable Notes
Pre-class notes: Solar Plexus Chakra
Audio - L4 -3 Solar Plexus Meditation Apr 17, 2024
Audio - L4 -3 Solar Plexus Debrief Apr 17, 2024
Notes: Balancing the Solar Plexus
Home Focus - Reclaiming the Solar Plexus
Downloadable notes: Solar Plexus Chakra
Pre-class notes: Heart Chakra
Audio - April 24, 2024 - Opening Meditation & Lesson 4th Chakra
Audio - April 24. 2024 - Discussion & Closing
Notes: Balancing the Heart Chakra
Home Focus - Reclaiming the Heart Chakra
Downloadable Notes
Pre-class notes: Throat Chakra
AUDIO - Opening Meditation Throat chakra May 1, 2024
AUDIO - Debrief Throat chakra May 1, 2024
Notes: Balancing the Throat
Home Focus - Reclaiming the Throat
Downloadable notes
Pre-class notes: Third Eye Chakra
AUDIO - 6th Third Eye - Opening Meditation May 8, 2024
AUDIO - 6th Chakra - Debrief May 8, 2024
Notes: Balancing the Third Eye
Home Focus - Reclaiming the Third Eye
Downloadable notes
Pre-class notes: Crown Chakra
AUDIO - Crown Chakra Opening May 15, 2024
AUDIO - Crown Chakra Debrief May 15, 2024
Notes: Balancing the Crown
Home Focus - Reclaiming the Crown
Crown Chakra Notes
Before you go

What people are saying:

"I hope everyone who sits in your classes is rewarded as much as I have been in the last year.  I fully believe that without them, I would not be nearly as healthy and happy as I am today." Nicole 

Completion of Cultivation Compassion Level 3 is required. 

 Not Sure?  Contact [email protected] 

90 days access from date of purchase

Regular price


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