Basic Meditation Foundations Refresher

All levels welcome
The foundations of meditation
Take a mindful stroll inwards with basic meditation lessons that support your conscious journey as a peaceful spirit in a human body.
Perfect for beginners and/or as a refresher.
Course includes:
13 classes, 30-45 min. each
A quiet place where you won't be interrupted, and a comfy chair.
Total Serenity Membership
Get access to this course and more!
Medtiation classes in this course
Enjoy unlimited access to these meditations for 6 months from date of purchase.
Before you begin
Centered versus Uncentered
Grounded versus Ungrounded
Your Energetic Boundaries - Your Aura
Forgiveness and Ending Blame
Balancing Giving and Receiving
Overcoming Guilt, Shame and Anger
Making Peace with Anxiety
Tibetan Singing Bowl Sound Bath Healing
The Art of Letting Go Mindfully
Creating with Gratitude
Acceptance and Peace
Return to Trust
Rebalancing Mind, Emotions, Soul and Chakras
You're almost done
Before your go
6 month access
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