
Setting Up for Success
Your Community
About Home Focus and Assignments
Before we begin
Guidelines for Sharing
Inspirational Quote
Opening Meditation - Arriving
Definition of Procrastination Notes
Chakras and Procrastination
Procrastination and Chakras Notes
Home Focus
Procrastination Chapter 2 Recap
Opening Meditation - Arriving
Commitment vs Involvement Meditation
Commitment Notes
Commitment versus Involvement Notes
Home Focus
Commitment Chapter 3 Recap
Arriving Meditation with Lesson - Why you Procrastinate
3 Common Reasons You Procrastinate
Positive Pattern Transformation - Lesson and Meditation
Home Focus
Cause and Effect Chapter 4 Recap
Arriving - Identify your Reason
OPTIONAL ASSIGNMENT - Identify Your Reason
Ways to Stay Disciplined Notes
Causes for Lack of Discipline Notes
Self-Discipline Guided Meditation
Home Focus
Intention Chapter 5 Recap
Arriving and Getting Real
Setting Realistic Time Frames Notes
3 Common Reasons for Unrealistic Time Frames Notes
Home Focus
Getting Real Chapter 6 Recap
Last Class and Closing Meditation
Steps to Over come Procrastination Notes
Four Components to Success Notes
Inspirational Quote
You're almost done!
Before you go


Setting Up for Success
Your Community
About Home Focus and Assignments
Before we begin
Guidelines for Sharing
Inspirational Quote
Opening Meditation - Arriving
Definition of Procrastination Notes
Chakras and Procrastination
Procrastination and Chakras Notes
Home Focus
Procrastination Chapter 2 Recap
Opening Meditation - Arriving
Commitment vs Involvement Meditation
Commitment Notes
Commitment versus Involvement Notes
Home Focus
Commitment Chapter 3 Recap
Arriving Meditation with Lesson - Why you Procrastinate
3 Common Reasons You Procrastinate
Positive Pattern Transformation - Lesson and Meditation
Home Focus
Cause and Effect Chapter 4 Recap
Arriving - Identify your Reason
OPTIONAL ASSIGNMENT - Identify Your Reason
Ways to Stay Disciplined Notes
Causes for Lack of Discipline Notes
Self-Discipline Guided Meditation
Home Focus
Intention Chapter 5 Recap
Arriving and Getting Real
Setting Realistic Time Frames Notes
3 Common Reasons for Unrealistic Time Frames Notes
Home Focus
Getting Real Chapter 6 Recap
Last Class and Closing Meditation
Steps to Over come Procrastination Notes
Four Components to Success Notes
Inspirational Quote
You're almost done!
Before you go