Journey Through the Chakras

Connect with your inner wisdom

All levels - 7 classes

Discover how to relate through your chakras and bring spiritual awareness to how you relate to your life.

Each class includes the basic meaning of each chakra so you balance, mind, body, emotions, and soul.

Course includes:
7 classes, 30-45 min. each

A quiet place where you won't be interrupted, and a comfy chair.

Everyone can enroll and immerse themselves in this self-healing journey. 

Each class is an average of 30-45 minutes, and includes a lesson and guided meditation. You can listen to classes as often as you like before your expiry date.

Classes in this course

Sign in or sign up to access classes from your dashboard

Before we begin
About Chakras
Root Chakra - Stability & Trust
Notes & Home Focus
Sacral Chakra Emotions & Innocence
Sacral Chakra - Notes & Home Focus
Solar Plexus Chakra
Notes & Home Focus
Heart Chakra
Notes & Home Focus
Throat Chakra
Notes and home focus
Third Eye Chakra
Notes and Home Focus
Crown Chakra
Chakra Journey Quiz
Downloadable Notes
You're almost done
Before you go

"Great class for people of all levels of meditators. I continue to learn in spite of having done it before."  Terry

Valid for 60 days from date of purchase. Included in Total Serenity Membership

Regular price


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