24/7 Access
Access any Reflective Meditation class listed below at anytime, from anywhere.
Listen and Learn
Be inspired with lessons followed by guided meditations so you keep evolving as Spirit First.
Peace of Mind
Rest easy knowing you are on your conscious spiritual path with self-directed inspirational classes.
Reflective Meditations Library

Beginners - All levels
About Reflective Meditation
This is a contemplative and introspective meditation that encourages self-awareness, insight, and an understanding of one's thoughts, emotions, and experiences. Unlike other meditation forms that aim for stillness or concentration, reflective meditation centers on the exploration of one's inner world through awareness and healing.
Libraries are perfect when you simply want a single or group of classes.
Classes in this library are live recordings from our drop in meditation classes. You are welcome to join our drop in classes at anytime alongside others on a similar path. A certified meditation is available to guide and support everyone in the community.
This library is included in Total Serenity Membership
Meditatin Classes
Sign in or sign up to access classes from your dashboard
Getting Started
Releasing Emotional Clutter w Nicole Mar 9 2025 - 40:40
Stop Procrastinating w Regina Mar. 2, 2025 - 29:15
Restoring Harmony w Regina Nov. 10, 2024 (34 min)
Nurture Your Purpose w Nicole Nov. 3, 2024 (42 min)
Pause & Listen Reflective Meditation with Nicole Oct. 20, 2024 (45 min)
Thanksgiving Meditation w Regina Oct 14, 2024 (31 min.)
Embracing Change w Regina - 29 min - Aug 11, 2024
Clarity Reflective Meditation w Regina June 16, 2024 - 35 min.
Planting Seeds for Tomorrow 2024 April (40 min)
Intention Setting w Regina - 33 min. 2024 - Jan. 7
Centering and Pure Consciousness 49 min. Sep. 18, 2023
Listening with Your Heart & Holding Space
Chakra Healing and Maintenance - 36 min. Aug. 6, 2023
Release the Shadows w Regina 32 min. Sep 8 2024
Aligning with Intention
Embracing Possibilities
Living with Intention
Free Preview for Entering the Silence
Entering the Silence
Listening to your Call with Chakra Balancing
The Present Moment Body Healing
Seeds of Potential with Chakra Balancing
The Path of Patience
Who Are You?
Why Are You Here?
What Do You Want?
How Can You Serve?
Understanding Harmony
Tibetan Singing Bowl Chakra Sound Bath
Vibrational Harmony
Trust and Hope - Emerging Soul
Serenity, Calm with Sound Healing STUDENT FAV
Grounding Intention & Mother Earth
Journey through the Heart
Cleansing and Balancing the 7 Primary Chakras
The 5 Elements and the Chakras
5th Chakra Purification
Centered vs Un-centered
Grounded vs Un-grounded
Energetic Boundaries
Forgiveness and Ending Blame
Balancing Giving & Receiving
Overcoming Guilt Shame Anger
Making Peace with Anxiety
Harmony Sound Bath
The Art of Letting Go
Creating with Gratitude
Peace and Acceptance
Return to Trust
Rebalancing Mind, Emotions, Soul w Chakras
Managing Difficult Emotions
Solitude vs Isolation
Gathering Joy
Trusting Your Intuition
Reaching In and Out - Getting Through Gloomy
Aligning with your Vision - STUDENT FAVOURITE
Clearing The Confusion
Holding the Dream
New Beginning, New Ending - Adjusting to the Pandemenic
Grounding Trust through Loving Kindness
Found through Loss
Expressing Anger with Calm
Exploring the 3 Directions of Forgiveness
Honouring the Forgiveness Cycle
The Positive Side of Letting Go
Take a Mindful Moment - Be Present
Enthusiasm and Hope
Fresh Start in September
Grounding Happiness
Listening with the Heart
Patience and Tolerance
Peace of Mind for a Busy Mind
Deep Relaxation to Reduce Anxiety
Reclaiming Your Peaceful Self
What people are saying:
"I absolutely LOVE the on-demand meditation classes in these libraries! I can’t always attend the live classes so it’s great that not only am I able to listen to a recording of the weekly classes, but I also have access to the full meditation library! It has been so easy to add meditation to my life and I honestly look forward to listening to the recordings at the end of my day! And if there is something specific I’m struggling with, there is most likely a recording in the meditation library to help! I can't say enough good things about the new online meditation classes!" Lisa (Total Serenity Member)
Single class valid for 24 hours from time of purchase.
Included in Total Serenity Membership
Single Class
3 Months Unlimited
For your security, all orders are processed on a secured server.
Meet Your Certified Meditation Teachers

Founding Owner Regina Kaiser
Regina Kaiser is a certified meditation instructor, speaker, integrated healer and intuitive, certified aromatherapist and owner of Veracis Meditation. She developed Veracis® Meditation Program, a course of studies in conscious living.
"I started my spiritual journey in the late 1990's and discovered meditation was the link to nurturing spirit first. I am passionate about teaching others to be empowered in their life's purpose. My email is there for you to connect with me anytime!"

Certified Meditation Teacher Nicole Rodriguez
Nicole discovered meditation by accident in 2005. At the time, she was a parent of young children and felt overwhelmed by all the stresses of a busy life. Nicole was amazed by the clarity and joy she started experiencing after her meditation classes at Veracis. She began her teaching journey in 2012 to support others in experiencing the wonderful benefits of meditation, including more gratitude, deep breaths and loving kindness.

Certified Meditation Teacher Liesl Jurock
Liesl is a career educator, a writer and a Certified Veracis® Meditation Teacher. She was drawn to yoga and meditation alongside becoming a mother, to stay centred and calm amidst the busy-ness of life. She is honoured to teach and learn with the Veracis community.